Sunday, July 22, 2007

Best Harry Potter book EVER

I really liked this book.

I don't want to spoil it for people who don't read as fast as I do.

I think that I can say that there was MUCH more action in this book than in any other.

And I can say that I'm not hating JK Rowling after this like I did after she killed Dumbledore in book 6.

That is all.

Evan is reading it now.


I always made the mistake of telling him what happened in the books so he was content to wait for the movie. But this time he'd heard that at least 2 people die and I told him that I wasn't telling him anything about the book this time. He'd either have to read it or wait another 5 years for the last movie.

He's read the other books (except 6...I guess he'll wait for the movie on that one too, LOL) in school when they had to read so many books per grading period.


I want to re-read it now. But I left it on his bed when I finished it this morning as a "gentle nudge", so I can't take it away from him now.

School starts soon and I'll have plenty of time to re-read it then.

One thing I love about JK Rowling (like Stephen King) is that I really savor the books. I found myself re-reading certain passages multiple times because I loved what was happening and I wanted to enjoy that particular part before moving on to the next passage/chapter and finding myself hating her again, LOL.

But I didn't hate her at all this time.

I welled up with tears a few times, but I'm surfing the Crimson Tide at the moment so I'm feeling vulnerable. ;-)

Tell me when you've finished it so I can go into more detail.

1 comment:

  1. Bless. Personally I never find them that amazing... but I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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