Saturday, June 05, 2010

Summer Vacation

Feeling Normal


o, yeah. I haven't been posting a lot.

The Boy is home for Summer Vacation. (joy) He's an 8th Grade graduate, BTW.

Now playing: Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned
via FoxyTunes

Evan's 8th Grade Diploma

Anyway, I was going to tell you that I probably won't be blogging much because he's on the PC half the time. When he's not, I'm sleeping or watching all the crap my DVR taped.

But LOOK what I found and Wal-Mart today:

Chuao Firecracker Dark Chocolate Bar I doubt you watch as much Food Network as I do, but one of the shows I've recently started watching on Saturdays is Spice & Easy.

Chick owns a spice shop, and she shows recipes with different spices. Last month or something she made brownies with Ancho Chili pepper & salt.

...the chili makes your throat all warm while the pop rocks are exploding in your mouth...



But I saw this chocolate bar which boasts 2 types of chilis, salt & popping candy (like pop rocks) I just had to try it. Even though it was $3.flipping97.

It's goooooooooood.

I only occasionally tasted salt, but the dark chocolate is good and then the chili makes your throat all warm while the pop rocks are exploding in your mouth.

Never tasted anything like that. Evan liked it too. I think it will be an occasional treat for myself. They had other ones too, but...I wasn't feeling that experimental.

That's all.

See ya when I see ya!

Now playing: Common (Ft John Mayer And Kanye West) - Go
via FoxyTunes


  1. It must be such a joy to have Evan at home all the time ...... *looks innocently into the sky* .... and the choccy sounds DELICIOUS ... *drool*

  2. DP - Yes. I love hearing "No, I don't want to" constantly like he's a 2 year old. And the irritated "Whaaaaaaaaat?!" that I get every time I say something.

    This is why God makes them babies first. So we won't immediately kill them.



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