Saturday, January 10, 2009

I finished Lost


t's gonna suck when I have to wait a week between episodes.



  1. I feel your pain. That happened to my husband and me when we rented a whole season of "24" and watched it in one week. Going back to new shows spaced a week apart was brutal. We've since lost interest in the show, but we're addicted to Lost as you are. Been a very long wait!

  2. Yeah, I loved being able to watch one right after another and not wait.

  3. Dontcha just hate that?? It's sort of like having DVR, or Tivo, fast forward through commercials so much that, when you actually have to watch something with commercials, you find yourself looking for something to fill the spaces. LOL :)

    Wanted to let you know that I gave your blog an award! You can find it at:!

    Have a happy day!
    Abby from SC

  4. Kathy - I just got into Lost when they started showing it on G4. There are so many new shows that I don't like to watch them because it seems like everything I like gets canceled. As I was catching up on the show, I was thinking "Why did people keep watching this? Every episode seems to raise more questions than it answers", but now I'm addicted. :-(

    Rene - Luckily, I found a lot of TV shows that I wanted to watch but couldn't before (conflicts with other shows, or on a premium channel) so now I can watch them too! I think I'll do Dexter next. :-)

    Abby - I read during the commercials if I have to watch a live show, LOL. I can't stand it!

  5. I've just finished watching House Season 3 and 4 - I watched them on TV or over internet but its cool to have them on DVD. Season 5 starts here in the next few weeks but I've already seen up to like episode 8 so it'll be like a recap lol.


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