Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kick Ass Blogger Award


was given The Kick Ass Blogger award by Bob @ My Frakkin Blog!

I was very surprised! I visit Bob's blog almost every day, but I'm not sure that I've commented there before, so this was out of the blue for me. Needless to say, I'm very flattered. :-)

Here are the rules:

The rules include passing it on by. . . .
* Choosing 5 other bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
* Let ‘em know via : - your post. b) an email c) Twitter d) blog comments. e) e-card
* Link back to both the person who awarded you and also
* Visit the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ, to get codes and sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!

So here are my 5 Kick Ass Bloggers (I read multiple blogs every day, but some of them update more often than others, so I'm going to choose the people who update the most). They are in no particular order.

1. Why Are You Stalking Me? - She is a hilarious and sarcastic blogger and I love hearing about her latest embarrassing moments!

2. Cardiogirl - I think hers is one of the blogs on which I comment the most. She seems like she'd be a really cool person to know IRL. :-)

3. Blogging Monique Renae - She's an awesome woman and she's very honest about all the things she's gone through/dealt with & is still dealing with. She & I are going on a Wal-Mart shopping spree when she goes on her "Tour of America" :-)

4. Jokes @ jDonuts - There is ALWAYS some joke or picture there to make me laugh. He has other blogs too, which I also visit, and he has a lot of good & helpful posts for bloggers.

5. Samples Girl - Who doesn't love getting free stuff? She goes out and hunts for all the freebies online so that I don't have to. Thanks to her, I think I have enough shampoo & tampon samples to last me until 2012. :-)

Go by and visit them and tell them Angelika sent you! :-)

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