Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another thing I stole

From Skittle's Place is the ClickComment Widget.

People visit this blog, (Hello Jasper, TN. I see you!) but they don't always comment. With ClickComment, they can register their vote of Cool, Fun, Put me to sleep, or whatever with a click of their mouse.

I'm interested to see if this changes anything on my blog, LOL. Probably not.

I don't notice changes from most of the crap I add. Woe is me.

Anyway, now you can tell me what you think about certain posts but not go through the whole ACTUAL COMMENTING that brings me joy. :-)

Listening to: Black Eyed Peas - The boogie that be
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Ricky Martin - La Bomba
via FoxyTunes


  1. Where did you get clickcomment? It's a great idea, and I want it for my blog.

    Not a bad blog here either. Bookmark'd.

  2. After the page finishes loading, roll over the clickcomment thingee and it will have a link for "get widget now".

  3. Hi Angelika,

    Thank you very much for writing about ClickComments. We are excited that you like our service. We are a young company and are eager to learn how to better serve our users. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or feedback.

    Thanks a lot!


Thanks for commenting! I love comments. :-)

I will reply to comments made on my blog ON MY BLOG.

Comments not made in ENGLISH will be deleted.

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