Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tuesday Memes

10 Favorite Bands of All Time

In no particular order. I don't usually like "bands", I usually like the individual singers. And I want a cigarette.

1. The Carpenters
2. The BeeGees
3. Black Eyed Peas
4. Prince & The Revolution
5. Nsync
6. Shenandoah
7. Destiny's Child
8. The Gap Band
9. The Commodores
10. Son by Four

Loaded Questions #18

Hypotheticals: If you created a new flavor of ice cream, what wold it be?
Kiwi-Strawberry Sorbet. But if you're insisting on an ice cream, one that tastes like Dairy Queen's Moolatta Chill.

Anything Goes: What celebrity makes you glad you are not a celebrity?
All of them. I wouldn't like the public dissecting every effing thing I did.

No-Brainers: Besides a cat or dog, what animal would you want as a house pet?
A snake. They're not as messy as furry pets. :-)

Personals: Which of the following do you feel yields the greatest benefits - extraordinary wealth, strong friendships, true love, or a loyal, loving family?

I had a fucked up family (still do), I don't believe in "true love" the way most people think of it, and friendships come and go...

I'd choose extraordinary wealth. Other than taxes, I don't see the downside.

Cynic tagged me.
Serves me right for reading his blog I suppose.

INSTRUCTIONS: Remove the blog in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add your blog to the bottom slot, like so:

1. The Ice Box
2. The Buzz Queen
3. Opinion Minions
4. Freelance Cynic
5. Angelika

Next select five people to tag:

1. Whoever
2. wants
3. to
4. do
5. it

THEN answer the following Questions:

What were you doing 10 years ago?

* I was working at Blue Cross Blue Shield. Evan was 1½, so I was really broke buying diapers & paying for daycare. :-)

What were you doing 1 year ago?

* The same shit I'm doing now.

Five snacks you enjoy:

1. Reese's Fast Break Snack Size.
2. Potato Chips
3. Cereal sans milk
4. Starburst
5. Pretzel sticks. The skinny ones.

Five songs to which you know all the lyrics:

1. Let's Stay Together - Al Green
2. I Wish I Didn't Miss You - Angie Stone
3. Ain't Love Strange - Paul Thorn
4. Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
5. Mama Knows - Shenandoah

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. Pay someone to beat up the people who piss me off.
2. Have a driver & a butler & a personal chef.
3. Go to Prague
4. Take Evan to the happiest place on earth.
5. Have a house with a gate that was always locked, LOL.

Five bad habits:

1. Assuming that whores can't have good personalities.
2. Assuming that whores can't be smart.
3. Assuming that most celebrities are whores.
4. Calling everybody a whore.
5. Speaking my mind about whores in front of my son because he still doesn't realize that what happens in the house stays in the house.

Five things you like doing:

1. Sleeping
2. Masturbating
3. Reading
4. Watching too much TV
5. Listening to music

Five things you would never wear again:

1. I don't know. I don't give a shit about fashion.

Five favorite toys:

1. Sit & spin
2. Easy Bake Oven
3. Slinky
4. Commodore 64
5. Legos

1 comment:

  1. Do i want to know what a sit and spin is?


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