Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt 55

Today's theme is Rare. Shockingly, neither TNChick or Sue have their pics up yet, LOL.

**Update** I just found out that TNChick is having some health issues. Stop by and wish her well!

YAY! I beat them both. :-) Insomnia is good for something, LOL.

We rarely get snow in my little corner of the world. If it does snow, it's at 2 AM. It's not enough to accumulate. And it melts before The Boy gets up for school so he never gets to see it, let alone make a snowball. :-(

The last time it snowed enough to have a real snowball fight was about...4 1/2 years ago. I remember because my cousin was still pregnant at the time and Evan told her she looked like a snowman. HA!

The year we (Mommy Dearest and I) moved here from Maryland, it snowed about 6 feet. Everyone said that we had brought our weather with us. I would LOVE that weather now that I don't have to shovel snow anymore.

But last winter (2006) it snowed enough to stick! I think we got about 2 inches, LOL.

And yes, school was cancelled.

When I was 14, in MD, it had snowed about 4 feet by the time I woke up to go to school one day. They didn't even delay school. Of course, it didn't stop snowing and it was noon before the geniuses at the School Board decided to close school. By that time, the roads were all iced over.

We had to drop every kid off at their house instead of the bus stop. I think I got home around 10pm that night.

I wish we'd have a really big snow like that at least once for Evan's sake. He'd love it! :-)


  1. Pfft! I got it up now :) Love your pics and how you arranged it!

  2. Nice photo presentation. I've never experienced snow before. I hope that someday the snow will last longer for your son to appreciate it. Thanks for visiting earlier.

  3. I live at sea level so it doesn't snow over here...
    Great display, happy hunt and weekend!

  4. Great photos! Every kid should be able to experience a snow day.

  5. Ahhh! Look at the snow on Evan's bike! I live in south Florida, so snow is very rare indeed.

  6. Oh, I guess what is rare for some is not as rare for others! Great take on the challenge. I see you utilize scrapping skills too!

  7. Snow, I know that white fluffy stuff all to well.....I mean living in Colorado and all.

    Great photos!
    Have a great weekend.

  8. I WISH snow was rare in my neck of the woods .. :) Cheers from Toronto, and Happy Hunting!

  9. Hi! As per Rachel, I too have not experienced snow yet. Living in a tropical country has its downside too, especially if one does not live on a beach front property. It is summer now here in the Philippines and it feels like we are melting from the heat. Sure would be nice to have some cool snow like you have in your cool snow photos. :)

  10. Not much snow here in Paris neither!

    Happy Weekend!

  11. In fifteen years in Mississippi we only had one snow of 4 inches. Mostly the flurry type or an inch and school wasn't called off. There was that one day they called off school for a "threat" of snow, but after they were laughed at the school board changed policy.

  12. I live in Ohio and we've seen more than our share of snow. Hopefully we are done until the winter, but around here you never know. Great photos and great take on the theme!

  13. I wish snow was more rare in our parts. But I never saw snow until I was 25 so still like it

  14. nice pictures and the idea too. moving here to a land with winter season,i just love the snowfall in our place, only a meager of it.
    thanks for the visit!

  15. LOL....we have those rare April snow storms here in Ohio. I've had a few that have kept the kids from going back to school after their spring breaks. We actually had about 3 inches this year in the 2nd week of April, but it melted VERY fast! Thanks for sharing, I also love the presentation! I'm running a bit late, but mine is finally up for this week, stop by if you have the time!

  16. Where I grew up in TX we only got snow once every 10 years or so. Here in SC it's about once a year, though we didn't get much accumulation this year. I like it once a year -- enough to play in, to cancel classes for the day, but not enough to be too much of a nuisance. Then it's mostly gone in a day or two.

  17. What a good job! Thanks!

    Hope you can participate in the BLogging Scavenger Hunt Starting Monday! Would love to see you there!

  18. i hope to go for a holiday and experience snow one day :)

  19. Hello there pleasure to meet you! We rarely have snow here. Your boy is really really cute by the way!

  20. The photo of the snow on the bush is so pretty! I love the way your presented the photos.

  21. After this awful grey and rainy winter I am finally happy to sit in the warm sunshine and you show "rare" snow pictures ! Awful (lol)

  22. So sorry snow is so rare for you. It really is a lot of fun!

  23. awww. i miss snow. well a little bit..hehe. we lived in NY for 8 years so we've always had it. now we're in NC we're it doesn't snow tha tmuch or not at all.

    thanks for visiting my hunt :)


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