Monday, December 20, 2010

Wow, I think I finally found a cause

Feeling Normal


bout which I truly care. (In other words, a cause for which I'll actually change my blog to reflect my beliefs, LOL.)

Gay rights.

For as long as I can remember I've worked with gay people, been friends with gay people, and believed that gay people should have the same rights that I do.

To me, being gay is like being black. You're born that way.

The end.

Any and all offensive comments will (maybe?) be deleted. I'm all for open discussion, but if someone came on my blog and called me a "fucking nigger bitch" then I'd delete it, right? Yeah.

If you don't know if your comment is offensive, substitute another minority for any "gay" words. If you find it offensive, it is.


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  1. ooooooooo... and I'll add OOOOOOOooooooo,,

  2. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm and whaaaaaaaaaaa?

  3. .... and I'll add gingernuts [they have rights as well you know!]

  4. @Daddy PapersurferOh nevermind, I googled it. Red haired people?

    Hmmm...I guess it would be bad to discriminate against certain Gingernuts.

  5. I was actually thinking of the biscuit [that's cookie in American] ..... but now you've mentioned it ..........


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