Saturday, December 08, 2007

Saturday 8


1. when was the last time you moved from one home to another? 15 years ago

2. when was the last time you moved at work? I haven't worked in several years.

3. have you ever had any problems with a hired mover? Not personally, but when my family moved from one part of Germany to another, several of my mother's things were stolen & her marble table tops were broken.

4. one day at work, i was given less than 24 hours to move my desk. what was the shortest amount of time you've had to move in? Never thought about it.

5. in your house, what would be the hardest item to move and why? One single item? The computer. Because I don't want anyone else touching it and I can barely stand up without falling over as it is, LOL. I'd have to lift it and put it in something I could drag.

6. at your office/work, what would be the hardest item to move and why?


7. if you had to move at work, describe your perfect office location (guinness taps optional!). N/A

8. if you had to move your home, describe your perfect home location. good schools? pub withing staggering-home distance?
Somewhere that the nearest neighbor is a few acres away but with a good school and a grocery store within 15 minutes driving distance.
Listening to: Prince - Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?
via FoxyTunes

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