Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Memes - 11/26/07

Monday's a Bitch

1. If you had to go back in time and give advice to the first humans that walked the Earth, what would you tell them? Wash your hands, you'll live longer.

2. If you could have one part of your body massaged every day, which would you choose? My back.

3. Are there any smells that make you feel instantly nostalgic? If so, what are they? In a good way? I can't think of any.

4. If the choice for the legal age of consent in your country was up to you, which age would you deem appropriate? 30.

5. If you could have known one of your current friends as a child, who would you pick? My BFF.

Manic Monday

Which personality trait has gotten you into the most trouble? Uhhhh...apathy?

If you had to gain 10 pounds what would you eat to gain the weight? Dark Chocolate coated Pomegranate candy.

How is your private self different from your public self? ? I really don't think there is a difference...

Monday Music Mambo

1. Have you ever played electric guitar? Did you enjoy it? Yes. Not enough to take lessons. My electric guitar was the last present my dad gave me before he died. I wonder if that's why I don't try to play it more often? It brings back memories.

2. Name one of your favorite electric guitarists and why you like him or her. Prince. Because he's awesome.

3. Name a song with a good electric guitar solo. Girls Girls Girls - Motley Crue

4. You just bought a brand-new shiny electric guitar. What song do you try out on it first? I just like the wawa bar. That's what I call it. I don't know what it's really called.


  1. Ooh! That dark chocolate pomegranate candy sounds divine. Have you ever tried stem ginger in dark chocolate? It's divine, too!

    Thanks for the visit - happy MM!

  2. Oh my goodness! Another sister for my Hugh is soooooooo hot cult. I adore the pictures!!!

    I don't talk to myself so much as I think out loud. It's a great way to problem solve. I also repeat my A&P info when I'm trying to memorize stuff like the muscles that flex the knee and the ones which extend the knee. And all parts of the brain, what they do, where they are located blahblahblah.

    I still haven't watched last weeks House but it's dvr'd.

  3. You haven't watched House yet????


    My mother does that. DVRs stuff and then maybe watches it.

    It's so good! It hurts me that there might only be one more new episode this season due to the writer's strike. :-(

  4. I think it's neat that you're a "one size fits all" kinda girl -- no difference between your public and your private face. Good for you! (And thanks for visiting my MM)

  5. I never heard of Pomegranate candy before are they anything like chocolate covered cherries?

  6. I don't know, I don't eat chocolate covered cherries.

    But it's like a flavored M&M.


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